A downloadable game for Windows

Install GulimChe font,
and set font size to 16 to get the best experience.

Sorry for the inconvenience,
for anyone who's down to play the game.

The game text might shatter to bits
due to some weird encoding mismatch.
This game is developed based on code page 949.

With my limited knowledge,
I've tried my best to adjust the encoding settings.
If the game still doesn't work, I apologize beforehand.

Help the wizard run a diner using your keyboard!
Type in the appropriate spells to take orders and serve your customers.

A game made with C, using Visual Studio.

See the rules within the main menu to learn how to play. 
(or watch the linked gameplay video, for a better understanding)

[ Credits ]

# Music
8Bit Jazz
1. https://youtu.be/9ACobiWddAk?feature=share
2. https://youtu.be/o3P0rZv2AJ4?feature=shared

# Ascii Art
1. Ascii Art Archive 

2. SNS Keyboard

3. UI Text

# Other
1. pthread
2. fmod


KeyboardDiner.zip 7.7 MB

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